This weightlessness that you feel when you float lying on the surface … Lightness. As installed in a liquid cloud. Relaxation. No muscle in tension. No pressure points.

“Zero Gravity” 2017©antoinerenault. acrylic on canvas 100x70cm
The liquid element compensates for the force of gravity. And this physical balance seems to naturally turn into serenity. The mind clears up. At best it caresses positive thoughts. Thoughts without gravity.
Archimedes theorized the physical explanation: “Any body, wholly or partially immersed in a stationary fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced”. My father always had a fascination with this phenomenon. And it is undoubtedly by gratitude for his great joys of navigation that he made all his children memorize the formula. Which provided his offspring – moderately equipped for Physics – a furtive joy at the moment when the subject was finally tackled at school.