The more you create, the more creative ideas you store up. I’ve had this reference image in my head for years.

I like the contrast between the dark depths and the bright ceiling. The complex structure of this ceiling, agitated by a breezy day in Amorgos. I like the framing, with the silhouette popping up from an angle. And I really like the posture too. The left shoulder that opens up, the right hand that comes down to balance with a laid back attitude. And the light of course that makes the yellow pop in the middle of the blue.
I gave it a first try with a small size canvas. Rather satisfying. It flew away to a collector in California. I came back to it with my last series of small works “Underwater vibes”. A second attempt to simplify as much as possible this complex image. This acrylic on paper is in Paris.
And I ended up taking out a large canvas and painting that image on the space it deserved. It’s naturally a very different process. And therefore interesting. I hesitated for a long time to stop at the step below that I really liked. Didn’t succeed…