2 réflexions sur « mailbox-apology-graffiit-nyc-cfrantz »

  1. Hello Antoine Renault:
    This is a message from an American Artist (musician) who lives in France. Malheureusement, après de nombreuses années dans le pays, je parle toujours français comme une vache espagnole. I realize you are very fluent in both languages.

    Because you have a passion for the aural as well as the visual, I want to offer you an experience to the former. As a bassist, I have performed with the best in France and USA, from Didier Lockwood, Michel Legrand, to Archie Shepp and Diane Reeves.
    However, the COVID-19 crisis has left many musicians like me scrambling to figure out our lives in our mid-lives.

    I have been able to still make new projects of music. Last year my ( second in 20 years) solo recording was released in January as I was presented in Le Monde for an article.
    But by February all was lost for the year. This year I’ve released a new project of jazz and spirituals (in USA spirituals are synonymous to Afro-American Spirituals). The music is available on Spotify, Deezer, iTunes, YouTube, etc. Below I send you some links. Perhaps you may share with those who may appreciate this music.
    I hope we may make connections soon.
    Sincerely, Darryl

    P.S. Par coincidence, there’s a song entitled « Out of the Blue » on the project.

    • Hi Darryl,
      Thank you for that message. I listened to your music. Great vibes. And funny convergence around « out of the blue » indeed :).
      My work is dedicated to creating through painting. I sometimes share work of photographers or fellows artists that inspire me. I spend my whole day listening to the music I love but I don’t blog about it. Let me know if you have any collaboration idea in mind that could include painting. I’ll be happy to consider it. Good luck! Antoine

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