My first is a great collector. My second is a painting with magic waves. My third is a generous photographer. My whole comes below.
It all starts when it’s over. When you resist the temptation of adding any additional stoke. Drop the brush. Draw the signature. No way back. This decision is one of the 4 key ingredients that really make a canvas: subject, frame, format, … end the moment you stop. Between the last 2 steps is a quite unsure path, random, intuitive.
The day I finished “Felicita”, I thought that I would always be able to find this path from now on. This is an image I felt like painting for a while. I chose to keep this piece in my personal collection. A tiny personal milestone.
When Melissa wrote from Calgary, it was for « Felicita »… A series of mails later, I got to know a nice person. She can be as fast having a crush for art… as she is patient with the commission progress. She wants a painting for her sweet home at the foot of Canadian mountains. Something that can remind her of those South American surf spots during the cold snowy evenings in winter. « Felicita » is the perfect choice… except that it is not allowed to escape. Some more weeks sharing pictures, looking for the perfect subject. One finally does the deal. A powerful one. Melissa wants it large.
When I wrote to Sarah, it was for Melissa. Sarah Lee has been amongst my favorite photographers for a while. A gifted Hawaiian artist. She sometimes shares projects with another one of my favorites : Mark Tipple. She captures water exactly like I love to paint it. I already did 2 projects based on her work. I ask for a license to paint. Just before diving into the jungle of Bali, she said OK.
I took my bike. Went buy a frame. Large one. And a roll of cotton canvas. Long one. Few weeks later, a tube was flying to Alberta.